I had our second child a few months ago.
With our first child I had horrible post partum depression not post partum psychosis like Andrea Yates.
It was absolutely horrible and it made me very fearful if I ever had another child to be depressed like that again.
The hospital where I had our second child has a very active day program where women who have PPD and PPP can go everyday and get help and not be alone while they care for their children.
I think this is a wonderful thing and I don't know why someone didn't think of it years ago.
Thankfully, I have had no PPD issues this time around. Maybe its because I am happier.
Maybe its because the JW's didn't ruin this birth experience and keep coming by telling me to pray harder and I'll be able to breastfeed my child, keep my house clean and be a good wife.
And for anyone grumpy and reading this - I'm sorry if this doesn't have enough to do with the Jehovahs Witnesses.